What is a Training Needs Assessment (TNA)?


Before we begin, it is important to understand that Training Needs Analysis, Training Needs Assessment (TNA) or Training Needs Identification (TNI), or Training Gap Analysis; Developmental Needs Analysis etc. are all similar and related exercises. All these terms refers to a process of identifying the developmental needs or training needs for an employee, an organisation, or a work group / team. The developmental needs may also be considered as a “gap” and thereby a focus area to plan improvement actions.

Training need assessment is a process to identify the areas where both individual and the group would benefit from the training in order to become more effective. It identifies the gap areas and measures to be taken overcome the gap areas in order to achieve the objective of the individual and the organisation as a whole.

For example: If – “effective communication” is essential for employees in the customer interfacing team of an organisation – and if some employees are not up to mark on the same – this could be a ”gap area” or a “training need” for them. Once it is clear that “effective communication” is a “training need” for some employees, the organisation may plan requisite training programs for the concerned employees.

Key Stages of Training Needs Assessment

  • Identify organisations goal and challenges
  • Identify the required employee performance to attain organisational goals.
  • Assess required employee’s skills, knowledge and competencies required get to the desired performance levels.
  • Collect necessary data related to employee performance, and assess gaps on skills, knowledge and competencies.
  • Identify relevant actions and develop a plan to fill the gaps.

A training need assessment process supports the identification of training objectives, and development plans based on clearly identified gap areas. The process helps identify appropriate actions or the type of training to be imparted to cover those gap areas.