Effective interviewing: Some tips for functional managers.


Job Interviews are conversations that help a hiring manager assess and select suitable candidates for a position in an organisation.

These conversations help generate relevant data about a candidate to support decision making regarding his/her suitability for a role. Job interviews help assess an individual based on the job requirements comprising the essential skills, knowledge, competencies and experience required for a position.

  • For an effective job interview, it is important that hiring managers have a good understanding of the interview process and are well prepared.
  • As a hiring manager you should have a proper understanding of the position before you go ahead with interviewing a candidate. Your understanding should be based on the approved job description so as to ensure that you are able to assess the candidate in context to a well-defined position.
  • It helps if you have a job description handy. Job description of the position gives an idea about the purpose of the position, scale and scope of the job in the context of organisation, responsibilities and accountabilities of the position and various knowledge, skills and competencies requisite for the position.
  • You should have clarity about the skills and competencies which are vital for the position. The list should include the technical as well behavioural skills required for the position and what all skills are crucial for the position. Normally, you would have access to a interview assessment or interview recording form where in you can document and score your observations. In absence of the same, create a check list for scoring based on the skills and competencies required for the position.
  • Develop a questionnaire based on the skills and competencies and knowledge required for the position for an effective performance. Questionnaire should be based on functional knowledge and skills required and behavioural skills which would lead to an efficacious performance of the job.
  • Review the candidates resume to learn about his/her past experience, and identify probe areas for detailed investigation.

A through preparation helps you be comfortable during an interview, and since you are well prepared you can focus all your attention on listing and recording observations.