Relevance of Training Seminars & Public Workshops


Training Seminars, Public Workshops or Open Workshops, are planned by event companies, training companies, management associations, academic institutions and industry bodies to enable business professionals develop a better understanding of upcoming methods in management disciplines and industry best practices.

The construct of these seminars and workshops could be in form of a facilitator leading the session or a panel of speakers talking about the subject and sharing their experiences. The focus is to disseminate knowledge, research and conceptual know how on the subject being talked about. These seminars and workshops also provide an opportunity for professionals to network with fellow professionals from other organization’s and develop a better understanding of processes etc. as they are practiced in other companies.

Participating in these seminars and workshops is not just about learning from listening to a one sided perspective of things , but also about building a better understanding of the subject through experience sharing, and generating of new ideas and ways of undertaking a processes.

Some of our learning from these workshops about the participant behaviour and the way in which our participant feel that learning happens:

  • Effective facilitation makes the difference, even silent participants are induced in participating and sharing their thought process.
  • Experience Sharing is the key to enhanced learning and engagement.
  • These seminars offers relevant opportunities to understand industry best practices.
  • Case studies, role plays and AV modes for learning dissemination keeps the session energized and the participants engaged.

Public workshops are also meaningful for learning themes where in an organization does not have the critical mass to organize an in company training. In such cases public workshops are highly cost effective.